More on Silly Dog

Silly Dog is a lifestyle brand that is about community, laughter and simplicity.


We are a community of people with various and wacky, yet authentic, beliefs and thought processes. A little awkwardness is just fine as well.

In dog terms: We don’t care what fur color you are. Just smell my butt and let me know if we’ll be good or not.


We find humor in the subtleties and understand that oftentimes life doesn’t make sense.

In dog terms: I’m going to chase that ball until you stop throwing it.


Dog + Glasses = Silly

In dog terms: Dog + Glasses = Sily

Important Definitions:

Silly Dog (noun) - one who realizes that life is short and our problems are small, relatively

Silly Dogging (verb) - to embrace the weirder sides of oneself

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Santa Monica Animal Shelter Foundation

Raising funds to support doggos

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